
30 Days Blogging Challenge || Day 26: My Hidden Talent

June 09, 2018

Well, if you ask me what is my hidden tallent, perhaps now it's not a hidden tallent anymore. Actually right until before I move to Australia, I don't know that I could cook.

I've tried so many things that tickled my art senses. Says knitting, sewing, making my own card, or even planning to do a pottery.

Since I have lots of spare time, I have all the time in the world. So re-awake the blog also one of the things I do, beside looking for my tallent. Then I found it.

Why I said my hidden tallent is cooking, is because...
1. My mother is not a good cook, she never taught me how to cook, or even spend more time to cook something wow.
2. Because looking for Indonesian food in Australia is not that easy, so I have to made it by my self.
3. Everytime I cook something, it always taste the same (so far)

So I think that my hidden tallent is cooking. LOL 

sharing is caring

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