Miss Across the Sea (Eng): Recipe: Ayam Sisit Bali (Balinese Shredded Chicken) & Plecing Bayam (Spinach with Tomato Sauce)

Recipe: Ayam Sisit Bali (Balinese Shredded Chicken) & Plecing Bayam (Spinach with Tomato Sauce)

August 20, 2018

This week I cooked one of simple culinary from Indonesia, Ayam sisit (Chicken Shredded) and Plecing Bayam (Spinach with tomato sauce). I add the plecing because only chicken shredded I felt is not enough, and I didn't have any vegetables to served.

As far as I know, this plecing is one of the traditional culinary from Lombok Island, near Bali. They used to use kang koong, perhaps you know its as swam cabbage, water kale, etc. When I bought the ingredients, actually I was looking for this kang koong at one of Asian store, Market Place. But unfortunately, this week they didn't have kang koong. That is why I choose spinach. And the wombok / wonbok / chinesse cabbage, is because one day my boyfriend bought this for our sandwich feeling. Apparently, wombok is not fit the sandwich. That is why I add wombok in my plecing. 

The ingredients is easy to find also. And time for cook only around 15 minutes, without recording of course, LOL.

Why I always cook something different every week, it's beside introducing my boyfriend about Indonesian culinary, also he love to eat. LOL.

Like usual, this recipe is for two serves. Happy cooking :)

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  1. Ayam sisit bali is my fav too, Mba. Bahkan saya masak untuk Idul Adha ini. :D

    1. wow!! menu yang nggak biasa buat Idul Adha nih, hehehe... Aku biasanya nemunya mentok di opor ayam doang. Pasti enak banget disantap sama ketupat ya Mbak, hehehe.


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